Here are ten DIY tips for homeowners on keeping their drains clear!

  1. Use a drain strainer: Install drain strainers in your sinks, tubs, and showers to prevent hair, food particles, and other debris from entering the drains. Marvel Plumbing And Drainage recommends using stainless steel strainers for durability.
  2. Hot water flush: Once a week, pour a kettle of boiling water down each drain. This helps melt and flush away any accumulated grease or soap residue. Remember to be cautious with plastic pipes and avoid using boiling water if advised against by Marvel Plumbing And Drainage or your plumbing system.
  3. Baking soda and vinegar treatment: On a monthly basis, sprinkle half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz for a few minutes, then flush with hot water. This DIY method helps break down organic matter and eliminates odors.
  4. Regular maintenance: Marvel Plumbing And Drainage suggests scheduling annual or bi-annual professional drain cleaning and inspection to prevent major clogs and identify potential issues early on.
  5. Avoid chemical drain cleaners: Harsh chemical drain cleaners may provide a temporary fix, but they can damage your pipes in the long run. Opt for natural DIY solutions or seek professional assistance from Marvel Plumbing And Drainage for stubborn clogs.
  6. Grease disposal: Never pour cooking oil, grease, or fat down the drain, as they solidify and clog the pipes. Instead, allow them to cool and dispose of them in a sealed container or the trash.
  7. Regularly clean your garbage disposal: To keep your garbage disposal running smoothly, cut citrus peels into small pieces and run them through the disposal. The citrus oils will freshen it up, and the peels will help clean the blades.
  8. Avoid disposing of non-flushable items: Marvel Plumbing And Drainage advises homeowners not to flush non-flushable items such as wet wipes, cotton balls, dental floss, or feminine hygiene products. Dispose of them in the trash to prevent blockages.
  9. Proper toilet usage: Use only moderate amounts of toilet paper and avoid flushing excessive amounts at once. Remind household members not to flush items like cotton swabs or personal care products, as they can cause blockages.
  10. Regularly clean shower drain covers: Remove and clean the shower drain covers to remove hair and debris buildup. Marvel Plumbing And Drainage recommends using a brush or tweezers to remove any trapped material.

Remember, if you encounter persistent or severe drainage issues, it’s best to contact a professional plumber from Marvel Plumbing And Drainage to ensure the problem is resolved safely and efficiently.